Prop 17 was a ballot initiative in California to restore voting rights to people on parole
Type: redesign, administration
Role: designer, developer, administrator
Status: completed (inactive)
Free the Vote – Yes on 17
The Free The Vote Coalition was comprised of a number of organizations whose goal is to restore the right to vote for all people impacted by the criminal justice system. In June 2020, they successfully passed Assembly Constitutional Amendment (ACA) 6, also known as the Free The Vote Act, through the California State Assembly and State Senate allowing it to appear on the November 2020 ballot. Because the measure was an amendment to the California Constitution, it needed to be approved by California voters.
The Yes on Prop 17 campaign, while technically a separate project, was a continuation of the ACA 6 coalition work. Therefore, an important aspect of updating and redesigning the site was to keep enough of the branding elements to indicate continuity with the previous campaign.
Create a site for the Yes on 17 campaign that utilizes and expands upon the existing brand to serve as a reference site and donation end point for the Free the Vote Coalition’s marketing and outreach efforts.
Updated Design
Most of the existing copy and content would remain the same, although there was an intentional effort to center people and their stories. The primary updates would involve optimizing the use of space, utilizing color and size to prioritize important information, and sharpening graphics and design elements.
The primary message and calls-to-action on the home page, for instance, were brought “above the fold.”
Homepage ATF

“If I could vote” video by Initiate Justice

Californians on parole

Voting rights in US
Ongoing Design
The campaign also required a variety of design elements for events and ads across social media.

Success! In November 2020, millions of California voters approved Proposition 17, restoring the right to vote to nearly 50,000 people who had completed their prison terms.